French – TEF & DELF

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Are you interested in moving to Canada, Quebec, or France? How to get extra points by taking French tests like TCF, TEFAQ, TCFQ, TEF Canada, and TEF Exam? Read along.

The acquisition of a new language offers many incentives.

With over 30 French-speaking countries, French is one of the most popular languages across the world.

From Canada immigration to education in France to careers involving languages, there are plenty of reasons to learn French.

With so many advantages to learning French, the ability to speak French can open new doors and create endless and exciting possibilities.

Importance of TCF and TEF Test

The employment opportunity is the most sought-after reason to study French.

Today, there are plenty of job opportunities for French experts that require a certain level of qualification in a particular foreign language.

Your French skills in such fields will put you ahead of others in any employee recruitment exercise.

The only way to ensure you have this edge is to sit for a French proficiency test and gain a certification that will evidence your understanding and ability to speak this language.

It is a standard way to certify one’s French-language ability for work and to enroll in specific programs and study abroad as an international student.

This diploma will enable you to use your language skills in countless careers like medicine, journalism, business, power, law, education, export, engineering, and many more.

There is an array of French language proficiency tests such as DILF, DELF, DALF, TEF, TCF, TCFQ, TEFAQ, TEF Canada, TEF Exams.

TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Français)

TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Francais) was started by the Paris Île -de-France CCI in 1998.

The French Ministry of National Education, Research and Higher Education was officially recognized in 2012.

It is an exam that seeks to test the French linguistic proficiency in people looking to travel, study, or immigrate to France and Naturalize as a French Citizen in France or Canada.

It is one of the recognized proficiency exams in Canada and France

Why Take the TEF Exam?

TEF is an added benefit for anyone who wants to study in France. It must be taken during the first-year enrolment of the study.

It is also one of the requirements of economic immigration to Canada, as required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

The TEF is recognized internationally by employers and universities in France, Canada, Francophone countries, and other parts of the globe.


The main difference between these two types is that the latter is one single test where your score will determine the number of points awarded for French proficiency.

For the DELF/DALF exams in India, you can choose a level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 as per your proficiency level, and if you pass the exam, you are awarded the points and diploma for that level.

The TCFQ (TCF for Quebec) and TEFaQ (Test for Evaluating French for Access to Quebec) certificate is only valid for your immigration application in Quebec (Canada).

It is the only French examination accepted for the Quebec Federal Skilled Worker Program.

This French certification cannot be used for admission to a French university or any Universities in French-speaking nations.

Unlike the TEF and the TCF, the validity of the DALF never expires.

Since both TEF and TEFaQ results are valid for two years from the date, you took the test, thus, it is not very beneficial from the careers involving French and job prospects outside France and Canada.